Trip Planning Made Easy
With a vision to provide Simple, Fast & Cost-Saving Trip Support Service for Business Aviation in India, EFLIGHT has launched 1st patented one-stop solution that allows a Pilot to easily plan, log & fly more safely. Pilots in Business Aviation end up doing more planning work before every Flight such as Filing Plan with ATC, Obtaining Clearance, Coordinating with Ground Handler, Booking Hotel, Arranging Fuel and manually prepare NAV LOG, LOAD TRIM Sheet plus still ensure that plan times are within stipulated Flying Duty Limits !!!
Now using a Laptop, Tablet or Smart Phone, a Business Aviation Pilot can access our cloud hosted website, iOS & Android APP 24 x 7 & easily perform calculations that gives precise Fuel Burn based on latest forecasted winds within seconds plus allows to file ATC Plan online & receive FIC-ADC via SMS to any airport in India!! Filtered relevant NOTAMs that are plotted on a Map for easy understanding along with METAR, TAF & ATIS are just a click away. FDTL calculations are instantly thrown up when ATC FPL is planned and even when departure time is revised, duty time limit is again performed & awaits further action by Pilot if any violation is found.
Last minute change in PAX numbers or Fuel, common in business flights, can now be easily handled with our offline Load Trim APP. Calculations are customised to specific weight of Aircraft and print out is in same format as approved by DGCA for each Operator.
Sign up for FREE 30 Day trial and experience simplified trip support services and start saving from next flight thru our aggregator business model. Read More >>

Online FPL
- Connected via AFTN to AAI Airports
- Receive FIC-ADC via SMS
- Stores Old Plans up to 1 year
- Easily Edit Old Plan & File in Seconds
- Revise Time Online or thru Dispatch SMS

- Plots Notams on Google Aviation Map
- Decoded Notams of all Indian Airports
- New Notams Notifications via email
- Lookup for future dates Notams
- Check Notams for Routes, Watch Hours etc

- Latest Decoded METAR, TAF & ATIS
- Updates via SMS during bad weather flights
- Upper Wind Temp Charts
- Local Area Forecasts
- Animated Satellite Images

- For Fixed Wing, Helicopters & Cabin Crew
- Calculates for Domestic & Intl Flights
- Get last Take Off & Next Day earliest Take Off
- Predicts possible solution to avoid Violations
- Enter Flight Time Offline & auto sync via APP

- Most Precise Fuel Burn Calculations
- Indicates Max & Min Fuel required
- Historical Winds of last 30 years Stored
- SID & STAR points included in Route check
- Customised for each Aircraft Performance

- Offline & Online Calculation thru APP
- Print out same as approved DGCA format
- Auto sync NAV LOG values to avoid entries
- Interactive C.G. Graph that gives rich insights
- User friendly design that outputs in seconds
Why Choose EFLIGHT
Plan & Fly Safe
Fast, intuitive, web-based tool that assesses weather conditions, generates flight routes and files flight plans online from any internet connected device to all Airports in India connected via AFTN within seconds and also send ADC thru SMS. Created to simplify and automate the entire flight planning process to make flying more safer.
Made for India
Think globally, act locally has been the mantra for the last 2 years in development. With feedback from Pilots who wish to see an Indian company offer solution customised to varied Indian region needs, we are proud to offer Patented One-Stop Solution for both Pre & Post Flight Services. Experience India’s 1st iOS & Android APP exclusive for business aviation pilots.
Cost Savings
Unlike Global Companies who charge for worldwide subscription, we tailor make service cost thereby giving at least 50% savings plus billing in Indian Rupee. Our integrated planning system reduces operating costs and ensures successful trips from beginning to end to any Airport in India. Get in touch with us today to know more about how you can start savings from the very next flight.
24 x 7 Support
Our Support Team consists of FAA certified dispatchers & CPL holders, who are just a Phone call away anytime of the day to help you process plans, file & obtain clearance numbers. Our other mode of contacts can be even via Email or SMS or WhatsApp.